Sunday, September 30, 2012

"My Play Connections"

“Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.” 
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
I love this quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. because it shows that no matter what age you are everyone needs time to unwind and have downtime relaxing and enjoying life.

“If you want creative workers, give them enough time to play” 
John Cleese
                I believe this quote by the fellow Monty Python actor is so true to education because you will get so much further teaching the children if they are having fun.  The amazing part is that they have no idea that they are truly learning.

           My two favorite things two play with when I was a child was definitely my dress-up clothes and my Care Bear Tape Deck with microphone.  These two toys helped me pretend and sing songs that foster my love of the arts and singing.  I was always creating dancing and singing songs coming from the tape deck.  My dress up clothes allowed me to be whoever I wanted to be.
           My parents were always telling me to play. I remember the time I learned to play best by myself was when my mother was pregnant with my brother.  I learned to play the best at this time because my mother was either tired, not feeling well, or busy working on different things involving the new baby.  I found that I had to entertain myself.  
                I think play is so different now because children want instant gratification with everything.  If something is not happening every second, then it is boring.  Children are using technology more than ever in their down time and it is causing them to lose the idea for thinking for themselves.  I want to see play get back to simpler times where children were happen just pretending. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

"Relationship Reflection"

    There are several relationships in my life that have helped me keep moving, inspired me, and driven me to always do my best when working with children.

              First, there is God, if it was not for my faith and belief in Him I would never be able to get through life and work in general.  I owe EVERYTHING to HIM.  He helps me realize the purpose of why I work with children, and He has put the people in my life to help support me and keep me sane in the crazy world we live in.
             Secondly,  there is the relationship I have with my husband.  He is my best friend and helps keep me going on with the insane idea of working on a Masters in Early Childhood.  There are times where he has stepped it up and help clean house, make dinner, wash clothes, and helped solve technical problems with something I am working on.  He helps keep me calm, and tells me that everything is going to be worth it when I am done working on my Masters.
            Third, there is my mom and dad.  These two people have helped shape me into the type of person who should always want to learn, work hard, and keep going even when problems come along in your life.  They are also another big cheering section in my life, but have also realized that I have to learn certain life lessons myself to help me grow!  I want to thing them for not handing everything to me in life.  I love them for that !
            Fourth, there is my grandmother!  All I have to say about this women is that she has been an inspiration through her health issues and history she has seen in life!  She has made me realize that no matter the obstacle there is always a way around it!  She is also one person who I could talk  to when problems came around in life and she could always make me feel better!
           Fifth, there are my coworkers,  who I receive ideas from and collaborate with in teaching.  I learn as much from them as I can learn from a lecture on teaching strategies.  Working with my coworkers has also taught me you may not always agree, but for the sake of the children you must work together to provide the best education possible for them.
            Sixth,  I would like to say my relationship with my students and their parents is important because by trying to communicate openly and providing resources for parents that are the best for  children helping their children at home is key to my success as a teacher in the classroom. I cannot succeed without support from my parents.
            Finally, there are my pets.  I have a cat named Jenny and my husband and I just recently adopted a Beagle named Zoe.  It is wounder to see the unconditional love from these two furry creatures when you have had a bad day!

Relationships are so key to successful programs because they help shape and mold you into the person you to the kind of person who helps shape and mold the Early Childhood Field.   I believe it is so important to foster healthy relationships to help provide a healthy, caring environment in a Early Childhood program.