Sunday, October 14, 2012

Daily Supports

Support is means to me that people, no matter who they are, have someone or something to help them accomplish the task he or she needs to accomplish everyday task at home, work, school, etc.  For instance, if I have a job that needs to be done in my classroom I try to make sure my students are knowledgeable enough to help me accomplish that task.
The people in my everyday life that are my support are my husband, family, friends, and co-workers.  Each of these support systems gives strength to get done the day to day task.  I cannot imagine the type of extra support a person who truly has a special need from immediate family and other assistants.  However, I am about to imagine that I am a person who is death and I am going to try to get through my day with the support I need.
 I would have to say the biggest factor that would be the obstacle to my day would be communication. I would need possibly an American Sign Language Interpreter at work to help me with communicating with my students and co-workers,   At home, my husband and family would definitely have to be my interpreter going to run daily errands like shopping.  I would also rely on technology a great deal to conduct communication.  In order to talk to co-workers and parents, e-mail and phone translator that helps me understand what other people are saying on the other end of the phone.  Little things like this will help make my day go easier.   However, some of the biggest challenge would be to make sure that I want to get across the information to my class, parents, and co-workers clearly.  I believe through the support of my family, friends, and other co-workers I could get through the day.